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Stop All Non-Urgent Elective Surgery

Non urgent elective surgery will diminish our staff and supplies needed for COVID19 surge Stop all of it, Public and Private, now.

Women in Medical Leadership with Dr. Norman Swan ABC

The persistence of gender inequity in medicine continues, and we need to shift our perception of leadership if that's to be remedied,...

Advancing women in medical leadership

Vol 211, Issue 4: 12 August 2019. Four leading medical women talk about mentoring women into more leadership roles in medicine. With MJA...

A sickly health system leads to an ailing nation

Medicare was introduced by Bob Hawke to provide high level universal healthcare to Australians. Our healthcare system is now struggling....

How men benefit from women leaders. And why we need more.

The spotlight has been shining brightly on the continued disparity between men and women in leadership and positions of influence. There...

Parenting as a Working Mother

Parenting is a big challenge and one of the questions I’m often asked is how I managed being a mother and having a surgical career at the...

The Australian: My Health fears on genomics

The intersect of My Health Record and genomic profiling raises a number of issues which legislation has not kept pace with in this...

ABC Mornings : Whole genome profiling

Discussion with Jon Faine on ABC Radio Melbourne exploring raising awareness of some of the issues of whole genome profiling.

Leaders Hub Magazine: Great Leaders

Profile on Dr. Elizabeth Sigston, page 30, in Leaders Hub Magazine, Great Leaders

ABC Radio Nightlife: Life after cancer

Interview with Philip Clark on ABC Nightlife exploring why more attention needs to be paid to life after cancer with Dr Michael Jefford,...

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