GPRW Foundation Conjoint Grant: 3D Printing for Reconstruction of Mandible in Head and Neck Cancer
Dr. Elizabeth Sigston and Dr. Andrey Molotinikov awarded a GPRW Memorial Foundation Conjoint Grant for the development of 3-D printed...
Dr. Elizabeth Sigston and Dr. Andrey Molotinikov awarded a GPRW Memorial Foundation Conjoint Grant for the development of 3-D printed...
Interview with Paul Nejaim of Board Room Media
Key speaker at the 2018 Matheson Annual Luncheon for Monash University. Along with Dr. Andrey Molotnikov, Engineer, and our Monash...
Interview with Philip Clark on ABC Nightlife exploring why more attention needs to be paid to life after cancer with Dr Michael Jefford,...
An emergence framework of carcinogenesis… a systems approach to cancer
“Cancer is not one disease, but many,” says Dr Elizabeth Sigston, a Hudson Institute of Medical Research PhD student, Monash University...
Monday Lunch Seminar at Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Dr Elizabeth Sigston is a surgeon in Otorhinolyngology, Head & Neck Surgery...